And I guess this is mine! Hey there and welcome to my blog, chronicling my adventures in applying, planning for, and hopefully the duration of my time with the Walt Disney World College Program's Fall Advantage season. Even though I don't plan to start blogging here until I am officially accepted, I wanted to claim the domain and then realized it'd be pretty stupid to just have an empty blog floating around here. And thus, an introduction post, so you know exactly who you'll be following around for the time being.
The name is Jenn; I'm a 21 year old college senior born and raised in wonderful suburbia, Massachusetts, currently about to start my final semester at Suffolk University in Boston as a Theatre major (performance) with a minor in Media. I've spent the past three years living in this fantastic city and loving my school environment, so hard to believe it's almost over!
I'll be applying for Fall Advantage 2011, aiming to go down the first arrival date after May 22nd (graduation!) until the end of the program in January. As for roles, I'm leaning towards a first choice of Attractions, but also thinking about Photopass Photog, Character Attendant, Hospitality, Concierge, or Vacation Planner. Potentially Merchandise as well.........but after spending a year in retail I want to stay as far away as possible. But we'll see!
Like I mentioned, I don't plan on posting much before I get an official acceptance, which at the very least will be about a month from now. I might find some CP related things to talk about: my stories applying before (this will be my third time applying for the CP, and hopefully second acceptance, although I've never done it before - but that's for another day), when the application finally goes up, when I have my interview, answering questions, the works. We'll just have to see.
This blog doesn't look pretty yet, and it's still hibernating, but I'd love to have you along for the ride. Talk to you soon!!
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